Environmental & Toxic Injury

Our Environmental and Toxic Injury Practice Group at Higgins, Cavanagh & Cooney has been minimizing exposure for property owners, manufacturers, insurers and other clients for decades.

Toxic tort and environmental tort lawsuits often involve lengthy, complex and multi-district products liability litigation in response to serious personal injury and property damage claims.

Whether in state and federal courts or before administrative agencies, we have effectively addressed a wide range of environmental cases, including:

– Cost recovery.

– Civil enforcement actions.

– Toxic tort actions.

– Site investigation.

– Emergency cleanup.

– Crisis management.

We have extensive experience and particular expertise in defending asbestos-related personal injury claims.

Moreover, our advocates have accomplished considerable success in designing and implementing prudent yet aggressive strategies to achieve early resolutions and favorable settlements of plaintiffs’ claims of industrial or environmental exposure to toxic substances.

We can efficiently and skillfully manage complex litigation that involves conducting discovery of large numbers of plaintiffs; coordinating cases pending in multiple jurisdictions; and managing extremely large document productions.

Recently, one of our attorneys was appointed chief liaison counsel by the presiding justice of the Rhode Island Superior Court to direct defense interests in landmark mass tort and class action litigation.
Our lawyers have the knowledge, depth of experience and access to expert resources necessary to provide forceful, effective and comprehensive representation in the defense of toxic injury and environmental claims.

We also counsel clients on environmental regulatory compliance.

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